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Responding to the Gospel, Lutheran Social Services of Illinois (LSSI) brings healing, justice, and wholeness to people and communities. Serving Illinois since 1867, Lutheran Social Services of Illinois (LSSI) is a nonprofit social service organization of the three Illinois synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). LSSI is the largest statewide social service provider, serving over 70,000 people across Illinois last year. The demographics of clients served by LSSI generally reflect those of Illinois’ population, with one important exception—more than 60% of clients report an annual household income under $15,000, compared to just 12% of all Illinois households. The organization provides critical programs for the state’s most vulnerable residents including foster care, mental health services, alcohol and drug treatment, affordable senior housing, residential programs for people with developmental disabilities, and programs that help formerly incarcerated individuals integrate back into society.